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Getting Started
Intake Process

For all new clients wishing to commence services with I Can Do It! Kids Clinic, we have the following intake process:

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Fees and Cancellation Policy

I Can Do It Kids Clinic's Cancellation Policy states that all clients are expected to attend each scheduled therapy session. This is so that each child can receive the regular and continued access to intervention that will best support the completion of their goals. 

Out of fairness to the many children in need of allied health support services that are on our waiting list, our clients are expected to honour their commitment to therapy and attend their scheduled sessions. We understand life happens and sometimes some sessions may be unavoidably missed, however, repeated non-attendance may see your allocated session time withdrawn so that it can be provided to another child in need. 

In alignment with NDIA Guidelines, if your child is unable to attend their usual appointment time and you provide less than 2 clear business days notice (inclusive) of their session, you will be charged the full session price.

The NDIA does not require Providers (i.e. I Can Do It! Kids Clinic) to supply replacement supports if your child’s session is cancelled within the Short Notice Cancellation Period (i.e. within 2 business days of their session). However,  I Can Do It! Kids Clinic is committed to supporting your child’s growth and independence, and so you can choose from the following alternative therapies should you need to cancel your child's session:


  1. Rescheduled face-to-face appointment, where available. 

  2. A home program; where your child’s clinician will put together activities and strategies in a homework pack that will be sent home, that are in alignment with your child’s goals. 

  3. A telehealth video session; where therapy will be conducted in a video call. 

  4. A parent support session; where your child’s clinician will collaborate with you to discuss any new or existing goal areas in detail. This may involve receiving education about the underlying factors influencing your child’s difficulties and/or treatment approaches; identifying new approaches or resources that may be helpful in achieving their goals; or receiving encouragement and support. 

  5. A growth and support session; where your child’s clinician will engage in tasks that will support the growth of my child, including but not limited to: creating resources or programs to use in therapy sessions; liaising with members of your child’s support network; completing additional training or research to best support your child’s goals etc. 

Contact us by using the enquiry form on this website, via email, or by giving us a call.

Have a chat with our team about your child’s goals and book in for an initial assessment. 

You will then receive an email confirming the dates of your assessment. In addition, you will also receive a consent form and client history form which will both need to be completed and returned prior to the assessment date.

You and your child will then be welcomed for their initial assessment where we will assess their strengths and areas of growth so that therapy can be tailored to their exact needs.

Following the assessment, we will provide you with an explanation of your child’s assessment results. If you are happy to proceed with therapy, we will then discuss your child’s goals, sign all the required paperwork and book in ongoing therapy sessions. 

Then the fun begins! 


Our initial assessment process is designed to gather the most up to date and accurate information about your child’s strengths and areas of growth, so that therapy can be tailored to their needs. The Therapy Action Plan will include the results of your child's assessment, goals for intervention, an outline and rationale of the therapeutic approach that will be trialled and other recommendations as appropriate (e.g. other therapies).


There are two assessment options to choose from: 

  • Option 1 - $395.00 – 1.5 hour assessment with a summary Therapy Action Plan.

  • Option 2 - $475.00 – 1.5 hour assessment with a comprehensive Therapy Action Plan. This option is best suited to any client who needs immediate documentation for the NDIS, GP/Medical Reviews, School, other members of the child's support network (e.g. Allied Health) or as support for any diagnostic assessments.

Therapy Starter Pack 

If therapy appointments are unavailable immediately after your initial assessment, we offer an optional Therapy Starter Pack to help you get started at home. This pack is designed for families who wish to begin working towards their child’s goals while waiting for their first therapy session. It includes practical strategies and intervention ideas tailored to your child's needs, empowering you to make meaningful progress in the meantime. The Therapy Starter Pack is available for $88.00, and is available after the completion of an initial assessment. 


Your child’s ongoing therapy sessions (whether delivered face to face, or via home programs, telehealth or phone consultations) will be 50 minutes in duration, and are conducted either weekly or fortnightly. The cost of these sessions is $160.00 per session. 

Cancellation Policy

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Privacy Policy

At I Can Do It! Kids Clinic, we take your privacy seriously. Please find a copy of our Privacy Policy below. Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions! 

I Can Do It! Kids Clinic Privacy Policy 2022


Suite 21

20-24 Gibbs Street Miranda, NSW, 2228

Monday - Friday 

8am - 5:30pm 


0498 770 414

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 I Can Do It! Kids Clinic

(C) I Can Do It! Kids Clinic PTY LTD 2022 | All Rights Reserved

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